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陳雪花 / Tan Suat Huay-Wendy

​​​Artist Statement:


《忽略.注意》是我創作的主題,我相信人的價值觀取決於命運、身處的環境、成長的背景、生活的體驗以及對事物的洞悉力和所抱的信念,而這個價值觀系統同時反映人內心的愉悅與不快兩方面。對價值的考量,我們通常關注的不只是事情的好與壞,而是衡量這事情有多好或多壞。 這個想法成為了我作品張力的源頭。作品探索人面對今時今日大自然被破壞、城巿化的蔓延及天然資源漸不足夠的各種掙扎。



Neglect versus Attention forms the underlying theme of my current painting work. It is my contention that the value system inside a person is determined by a number of factors such as his/her background, past experience, faith, beliefs, awareness, and the environment. The value system can reveal both the pleasant and unpleasant sides of human behaviours. In our assessments of value, we are often understandably concerned not only with whether something is good or bad but also with how good or bad it is. Such ideas drive the existence of major tensions in my work, exploring the human struggles between the nature, unfair rampant urbanization, and the ownership of natural resources.

I select and use tiny wild flowers as the core subject in my paintings. These flowers turn out to be some symbolic representations of human values in all forms of life. My artwork mostly starts from photographs and sketches, being processed sometimes via rendering and digital collage. I then draw these final dramatic images with traditional oil paint combined with Chinese painting techniques on Chinese silk.


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