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譚慶楷 / Tam Hing Kai

​​​Artist Statement:


在第二次世界大戰爆發前的30年代期間,英軍曾在香港各處建立總數超過130個的堡壘、炮台、凋堡等。這些軍事建築物曾飽受戰爭催殘或及英軍60 年代後撤回軍營而所棄置。它們是用高強度鋼根及混凝土所建成,並有着「巨石」特性的結構以保護戰鬥人員及其裝備。這些軍事遺跡亦是古舊的紀念碑,但這紀念碑沒有銘文,取而代之的卻是在建築物上受戰火遺留下來的傷痕,受破壞後所暴露出來的建築結構,以及在建築物裂縫上生長出來的植物,並人類其後的多種介入等歷史留下來的記號。

我選擇使用200發7.62mm軍用機槍子彈箱作為針孔相機, 為這些香港的軍事遺跡及軍人墳場作拍攝。 


There are over a number of 130 fortress, batteries and bunkers that were built around Hong Kong by the 1930s, before the beginning of the 2nd World War. Those military structures were being destroyed/ damaged during the combat or abandon after the 60s. They were built by high intensity cement, enhanced reinforcement bars and stones to form a monolithic character structure, in order to protect the soldiers and war apparatus inside. The ruins of the military structures are not same as some other ordinary monuments with inscriptions, not just because of its configuration and building materials, but they carried with them marks made in warfare combats, as well as the intervene of human activities and nature weathering after the end of war. They are the sign of that moment in history.

I took this series of photographs of Hong Kong military ruins and cemeteries, with a pinhole camera that was made by a 200 carts 7.62mm machine gun ammo box.



© 2013 by

BAFA Graduation Exhibition Committee 2013

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