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馬婉婷 / Ma Yuen Ting-Olivia

​​​Artist Statement:






My works are suspicious towards the idolatry of modernity and “progress,” and its effect on man and nature.  The authenticity and mystique of spirit becomes lost and defused amidst civilization’s breathless dazzling forces, as we are thrown into a psychic labyrinth that suspends contemplation and orientation.   An attempt to acknowledge that neglected psychic space is made, for it holds the weight of latent narratives, mythologies and questions...  By reaching for the skies, has the technological tried to overtake the mystical?  What is the role of the spirit in today’s materialistic era?  In an attempt to keep pace with the many facets of progress and change, will our consciousness become fractured in a crisis of disconnection?
Through infusing drawing, painting and photography with the aesthetics of traditional Chinese landscape paintings, the project takes a lyrical and symbolic approach in exploring the ambivalences inherent in the relation of psychic space to urban space.  I am interested in capturing the sense of derealization as one reverberates between different states, such as between the organic and the artificial, the primitive and the modern, in hopes of reconciling fissures within a modern civilization that has somehow estranged man from his environment, and possibly even from himself

© 2013 by

BAFA Graduation Exhibition Committee 2013

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