熊耀蘭 / Ma Yaw Lan Hsiung-Ruth
Email: ruthylhma@gmail.com
Artist Statement:
Since the dawn of human civilization, mankind pillage nature, Humans have always tried to conquer nature, but at what cost? At some point one has to take a strong stance and completely rethink significant issues relating to ecological sustainability.
Focusing on human relationship with the environment and nature, my artistic quest aims to create a sense of understanding and self awareness so as to build a harmonious relationship with nature.
帆布油畫 Oil on canvas 122cm x 91.5cm 2012
紙板 油畫 Oil on board 25.5cm x 20cm 2012
木砧板 油畫 Oil on Wooden Chopping Board Irregular round shape with an approximate diameter of 38cm 2013