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凌向汶 / Ling Heung Man-Doris

​​​Artist Statement:


我的作品 “ 對稱。完美 ”以批判的觀點對媒體以洗腦式的手段,扭曲人們的價值觀,特別是對美的標準作出回應。在作品中,顯示器(數碼相框)被六幅肖像畫圍繞著,那些肖像代表普通大眾,而中央的顯示器和它所展現的代表的媒體製造的假象。顯示器所播放的影像是那六幅肖像畫的主角,而它所顯示的是他們完全對稱的臉,這使他們看起來很怪異與荒謬



My work " Symmetry . Perfection " takes a critical view of the media brainwash the public to make people distort the values. In particular, the standard of beauty. In my work, six portrait paintings around the monitor (digital photo frame). Those portrait paintings represent ordinary people and the monitor in the centre represent the media that making the illusion. The monitor showing the perfectly symmetrical faces and they look ridiculous.

I love to observe people since I was a child, and have always been fascinated by human emotions. Most of my current works are portrait paintings, with which I explore states of anxiety, frenzy, and other extreme emotional states. I concentrate on distorted, angry and surprised facial expressions of people and animals as my subject matter, for I feel they could best reflect the result of stresses of all of us living under huge pressure in a contemporary society. All these outrageous, funny and absurd images, stand as a commentary of art on our society.


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