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李鳳珍 / Li Fung Chun-Yuki Brit

​​​Artist Statement:




There is a unity of nearness and remoteness in every human relationship. My artistic interest is about the dialectic of nearness and remoteness that is presented to some degrees in all social relationships. We are attracted to some people but are repelled by others, which are forms of estrangement that are presented in interpersonal relationship and conceptualized the stranger as one who is physically close to other people while psychologically feeling “far away”. Borders are selective and conventional, making people don’t want to reveal their true self but breaking others’ boundaries, seem likes things around can be revealed so easily. Thus privacy is presented to protect oneself in order to get rid of insecurity.

However, every relationship is influencing each other outwardly or inwardly. A tendency toward orderliness and preference are commonly considered to be traits. However, those being ignored are also important and very influencing, so what is the definition of privacy and boundary? I am looking for a private space.


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