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林南雅 / Lam Nam Nga

​​​Artist Statement:


[此錄像作品是個視力及道德測試。觀眾可用1’29”時間看錄像的第一部分,再以1’04” 看第二部分,此時會出現一個殘像。此測試必須要以集中注意力來完成。]


「欺詐攝影」(Fauxtography) 指通過各種手段偽造的新聞圖片,普遍用作引導觀眾達至某種思考方向的或操縱觀眾情緒。

(”Fauxtography”源於法國,是新的組合造字,”faux”意思是“假”而“-tography,” 是“攝影(photography)”的半字)。



‘Fauxtography’ 一詞始源於2006年一位路透社記者的新聞圖片,實在是一件很出奇的事。創作偽新聞圖片最聞名的國家應該是中國。從中國政府如何控制89六四事件的報道、掩飾甚至欺騙自己的市民可見一斑。



[This video work is an optical and moral assessment. The viewer may spend 1’29” to watch the first part of the video then use 1’04” to watch the second part, an afterimage will appeared in this stage. This can also be achieved by closing his/her eyes and tilting their head up. This assessment should be complete with concentration.]

What to believed?’ This is an easy question to answer. We can believe what we see, what is proved. However, in the information era, fauxtography is everywhere.

Fauxtography means fraudulent photography. News images that have been faked by various means, generally to promote an ideological agenda or to manipulate the emotions of the viewer. (Derived from a  combination of the French term faux meaning “false,” and  “-tography,” the second half of the word “photography.”)

The word was first used to describe the doctoring of photographs by Reuters photographer Adnan Hajj during the Lebanon War of 2006, and has since been generalized to mean any dishonest or faked news photo.

It is surprised that the word ‘fauxtography’ was just created in 2006 and it was because of a Reuters photographer. The most famous country of creating fauxtographs should be China. The 4th June 1989 event is a good example of how Chinese government controlled the news reports to hide and even lie to her citizens. Some Chinese were told that Chinese government successfully stopped a RIOT and saved China from seizing by the mobs.

Living in the information era, we learn thousands, millions and billions information everyday, we may get tired of searching for the truth. There is no doubt that people are more likely to believe what is told in the news. It is because ‘news is news’, it should be something that is truly happened and it can be proven by the photographs and videos. We may easily believe what we are told. Guess what would happen if the youngsters are going to learn and read the fake news and history everyday, what our future city will be…

Hongkongers had a beautiful fight last year. The deadline for the school to start teaching the Moral and National Education was revoked. The purpose of promoting this subject is clearly shown, Brainwashing. But, undoubtedly, there are going to be more to come. Let’s see how long will your afterimages last for. Or, will they even appear?

© 2013 by

BAFA Graduation Exhibition Committee 2013

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