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黎仲恒 / Lai Chung Hang​-Francis

​​​Artist Statement:


“希望”,“貪婪”和“恐懼”是三種人性本能搖擺著我們對未來所作出的決定。在它們的影響下,我們會改變對愛,倫理和正義道德的價值觀。今天,全球化作為一個 無國界的戰場,把我們的慾望和恐懼推至極端,城市之間的競爭推展至社會階層的競賽。我們的政府只顧不斷地朝著商業利益單向性發展,建立出一個不公義的環境,鼓勵掠奪而不是平等和關懷,市民都被“競爭性”一詞洗腦。

我的作品,試圖以一系列雙連畫,描述出這所謂歌舞昇平,繁榮穩定的城市境況,通過一張抽象化了的城市景觀圖像和一張具有暗示意味的具象畫作對話,去辯證現時我們的生活方式是充斥著很多荒謬和愚蠢行為 。



Hope, Greed and Fear are the three basic instincts swaying the vision of our future, we change our values in terms of love, ethic and justice right under the influence of them. Today, globalization act as a borderless battlefield to push our desire and dread to extremes, it creates competition between cities and exerts also a race between social classes. Our SAR government recklessly develops the city in a way slanted to the money making business and brainwashes its people about the importance of “competitive-ness”, so eventually an unfair environment has established that rewards those peoples who plunder rather than care.

In my works, I discourse this so-called stability and prosperity society by a series of diptychs  and getting through the dialogue between an abstracted cityscape painting and an allusive figurative painting, I try to debate our way of living is full of nonsense and foolishness actually. ​​

© 2013 by

BAFA Graduation Exhibition Committee 2013

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