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梁譽聰 / Dan Leung

​​​Artist Statement:






The structure of the word "Blitz" (「閃」) in Chinese, shows a character (「人」) stand in the middle of the door (「門」). It represents the relationship and feelings between the city and me.

The Chinese word of "Blitz" contains the meaning of photographic. It represents the flashlight, which come out from the camera when you press the camera button at the moment. And the scene that was flashed by the light seems endow a unique value. In this artwork, the target that I would like to flash is the tiny character that stands in the middle of the door. (「閃」)

Skyscrapers and high buildings erect dense and messy in the surrounding city. For visual preview, the dense buildings represent the complicated society. In this society, with the struggle behind different kind of voices rising here and subsiding there; forward or backward, insist or compromise, innovation or tradition. These contradiction and noise racketed around us every day. Therefore, We are so confused to find out the answer and our goal.

However, people who cannot find their goal will get lose. Their minds and souls will be flooded by the society. They will even feel very confused and question about their self-identity. In order to get more sense of security, some people will choose the way of drawing, watching movie, consuming etc. For me, I will choose photographic. As usual, we always identify a person through the identity portrait. In this work, the flashlight erects an identity to the " tiny character". It represents he/ she escapes from the noisy city and find his/ her own way.

© 2013 by

BAFA Graduation Exhibition Committee 2013

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