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周穎璇 / Christy Chow

​​​Artist Statement:


我總感到幸運有這樣的一個母親。望子成龍,望女成鳳;與我一些女性朋友相比,我似乎不是一個「成鳳」的材料:人到30 還沒有給父母找個有前「錢途」的女婿和開枝散葉。事實上,如按照香港社會對女性一生的理想藍本,我應該只屬於合格邊緣。但我的「失敗」欲使我進一步去思考和探索我的身份及社會對女性的期望。



I grew up in a 200 square foot flat with my family of five on the 34th floor of a government housing estate. But my mother never asks me to do something just to earn a better living. Comparing with my girl friends, I seem not a dutiful daughter to reward my parents by giving them a son-in-law with steady income and a few grand children by the age of 30. In fact, I am regarded as someone who failed to follow the script that drafted by the society. Yet my “failure” became my interest in developing my artwork about society’s expectation towards women and women’s identity.

Inspired and influenced by American Feminist artist Judy Chicago and the Second Wave Feminism theory, I created a series of artwork “What Are You Expecting?” to explore the conflicts between societies’ expectation towards women and reality, and conflicts arise from the co-existence of globalizing culture and traditional Chinese values. I was fascinated by Second Wave Feminism theory, about how contemporary women see their bodies and women’s sense of aesthetic. I gained a new understanding of women and connected to them in a new way. I want to expose our feeling and search for our identity. This series of works were created based on my body and experience of domestic, private moments in women’s daily life, with the aid of Japanese magma figure-making technique and mimic the way Barbie dolls are displayed.  Through experimenting different media and material to highlight the tension that women are experiencing between societies’ expectation and reality, I encourage audience to rethink women’s position and identity in the society.  Through art, I hope to encourage the audience to question the accepted wisdom and help create a world that accept and cherished people the way they really are.

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