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林文敏 / Ar Man 

​​​Artist Statement:


有一天上繪畫課時,老師講述一些名畫,當老師介紹到<The Creation of Adam>時,我彷彿就站在那畫裡面,親眼見證著上帝要賜予亞當生命的一刻,所以我取此畫的意念作為我創作的元素。再加上當時鬧得熱哄哄的新聞—同性婚姻合法化,我就嚐試將兩個題材都加到我的作品內。

從個人的角度出發,此畫帶點同性戀的信息,但它其實卻描繪著人類被神賜予身心靈的偉大一刻,很極端的兩個處境........ 最後我將之套入我的感情生活,用上我自己的手和我女朋友的手以非常個人的方法去演繹<The Creation of Adam>。


One day when I had my painting course, our tutor show us some famouse painting. And one of them was < The creation of adam>. At that time I found that when I saw this painting, I just like standing between the God and Adam. Being the witness of Adam’s life-giviing moment. That’s i pick this painting as a part of my work.

Also at that time the news of same-sex marriage was very hot, then i tried to mix these two elements together as my main concept. From personal point of view, <The creation of Adam> have homosexual signal for me. But at the same time it was depicting a great moment. So i use its concept to represent my emotional life. I use my hand and my girlfriend’s hand to reinterpret <The creation of Adam>.

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BAFA Graduation Exhibition Committee 2013

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